6333 commits to Nikola (2012-2015), visualized
From Daniel Aleksandersen (Aeyoun), on the mailing list:
Nikola currently has more than 6333 commits (averaging at 5.2 commits per day!) from 121 contributors. That is a lot to wrap one’s mind around! I made is a visualization with gource to see the project activity using all the commits covering the period from the beginning of the project in 2012-03-31 all the way up to 2015-07-29.
Expand the description on YouTube to get clickable links to see the first commit from each of the top ten contributors (by commits, as tracked by GitHub).
Please all keep on making Nikola the best static site generator out there! A personal thank you to everyone who have contributed. You’ve all helped me build a website for myself that I’m really happy with. ^___^
Throughout the years, there were 112 contributors to Nikola, with a total of 49 releases. 1917 issues and PRs were opened, 1856 of which have been resolved.
And now: a blast from the past, the Nikola v1.1 demo site (available since the 5000 commits milestone):

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