Nikola v8.2.1 is out!

On behalf of the Nikola team, I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of Nikola v8.2.1. This is a minor release with a couple new features, as well as fixes for compatibility with the latest version of doit.

What is Nikola?

Nikola is a static site and blog generator, written in Python. It can use Mako and Jinja2 templates, and input in many popular markup formats, such as reStructuredText and Markdown — and can even turn Jupyter Notebooks into blog posts! It also supports image galleries, and is multilingual. Nikola is flexible, and page builds are extremely fast, courtesy of doit (which is rebuilding only what has been changed).

Find out more at the website:


Install using pip install Nikola.



  • Add emphasize_lines directive to code blocks (Issue #3607)

  • Gallery index pages support the status flag (Issue #3598)

  • Add start_at option to youtube directive (Issue #3603)


  • Add data files to dependency file (Issue #3608)

  • Compatibility with doit 0.36.0 (Issue #3612)

Note: nikola doit_auto is not available if using doit>=0.36.0. You can still use nikola auto.


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